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Turnkey Project| 🇨🇳Shanghai Municipal Songjiang District People's Government 上海市松江区人民政府| SUNWORLD® D5| PEPPERL+FUCHS GmbH| 🔥Build up China’s cultural soft power |📚Wisdom in hold, elegance in mold. Reading expands your hori


Turnkey Project| 🇨🇳Shanghai Municipal Songjiang District People's Government 上海市松江区人民政府|

 SUNWORLD® D5| PEPPERL+FUCHS GmbH| 🔥Build up China’s cultural soft power |

📚Wisdom in hold, elegance in mold. Reading expands your horizons. | 

🇨🇳Build China into a country with a thriving socialist culture| 

Your Automation, Our Passion. |Automatic Rollover Brush Car Wash Machine🚗💧🍀♻️🌈🌍

交钥匙工程|🇨🇳上海市松江区人民政府Shanghai Municipal Songjiang District People's Government |SUNWORLD® D5 |

PEPPERL+FUCHS GmbH | 🔥增强国家文化软实力|📚腹有诗书气自华,最是书香能致远|🇨🇳建设社会主义文化强国|



Wisdom in hold, elegance in mold. Reading expands your horizons. 



Reading was and is encouraged. 

As a famous Chinese saying goes, 

“A book does hold a house of gold; a book does hide a charming bride.”

【By《Encouraging Learning》|Zhao Heng (Song )】

世人劝学,常用的一句话就是“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。” 【语出《励学篇》|赵恒 (宋 )】


This quotation is not only regarded as a canon by ancient scholars, but also encourages people to read. 



Everyone knows that reading can broaden horizons, increase knowledge, and improve cognition. 

In life where the eyes cannot reach, words can take you to soar.



Cultural confidence is the most basic, profound and lasting force in the development of a country or a nation.



An emphasis on reading is baked into the DNA of the Chinese nation. 

We always celebrate an unwavering curiosity for knowledge. 

Ancient stories abound about how kids from poor families overcame long odds in their pursuit of learning. 

Even though they had no time for books during the day as they had to work to help put food on the table, 

even though their families were so poor that they couldn’t afford lamp oil that could have enabled them to read at night, 

their ingenuity and tenacity prevailed: by drilling a tiny hole in the wall so that a neighbor’s light could stream through or 

by reading books outdoors when the fields were covered with snow. Confucius advised that self-cultivation starts with reading poetry, 

develops by acquainting yourself with rites, and culminates with the help of music.

 According to the Song- dynasty scholar Ouyang Xiu, “reading underpins learning, 

which in turn underpins personal development”.

 Indeed, reading opens the door to the world of knowledge, helps your mind bloom,

 builds your moral compass, gives you inspiration, guides you toward lofty goals, 

and provides you with a wellspring of strength. 

The power of reading is most famously explained by the Tang-dynasty poet Du Fu’s oft-quoted claim that 

once you have read ten thousand books, you’ll be able to write as if with a magic wand. 

The Song-dynasty philosopher Zhu Xi compared reading to the source of a river, 

saying that just as a river is dead if it’s not constantly refreshed by water from its source,

 the mind becomes dull if not nourished by reading. The modern writer Yang Jiang added, 

“Each book has its own universe, its own sun, moon, and stars.”









The term means to understand how we should conduct ourselves through our contact with things.

 "Studying things to acquire knowledge" comes from The Book of Rites. 

Together with “making one's purpose sincere”, 

“Correcting one's thoughts”, “self-cultivation”, 

“running one's family well”, “governing the state properly” 

and “bringing peace to all under heaven”, 

they are collectively known as the "eight essential principles." 

Knowledge is acquired through the study of things. 

Since the two are closely related, they are sometimes together called “study and acquire.”

 Throughout history scholars have had varied understandings of the meaning of the term. 

Some emphasize a thorough inquiry of principles in contact with things. 

Others stress personal practice in order to master all kinds of moral conduct and skills. 

Still others consider their intentions as things, thus reforming their innermost thoughts as studying things.


“格物”“致知”出自《礼记•大学》, 与诚意、正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下并称“八条目”。

“致知”在于“格 物”,二者密切相关,故有时并称“格致”。

历代学者对“格物致知”的含义有 多种不同的理解:或强调在对事物的接触中穷究其“理”;



Good books are our teachers and friends. 

They have the power to penetrate our hearts. 

They transcend time and space. 

Reading history helps us evaluate and learn from failures and successes,

 and understand the rise and fall of forces. Reading poetry lifts our spirits, 

boosts our stamina, and gives us a taste of elegance. 

Reading philosophy allows us to better observe the world, 

understand its underlying dynamics, and develop critical thinking ... 

Above all, reading builds inner strength and resilience. 

Rather than a process of simple information accumulation, 

reading should be an internalized habit, a life-enriching routine that helps unlock our unlimited potential.











Gone is the era of letter writing on paper, replaced by email. 

Screen time is squeezing out any time for reading physical books, 

and typing has replaced handwriting. 

While we cannot go back to the past when things occurred at a snail’s pace,

we cannot afford to lose what we have inherited from the past: knowledge, culture, and our national character.




While reading is key to personal growth, it also concerns the future of our nation. 

Proper guidance can help students and young people develop a love of great books and become better readers. 

It’s also crucial to help them align their learning needs with our dream of national renewal, 

so that reading and learning become fused into our nation’s march towards greater prosperity in a new era, 

so that the fire of youth is harnessed to create a brighter future.





To be successful one must posses both great ambition and diligence, 

to accomplish great things you must work tirelessly.

--《Book of Documents• Book of Zhou Dynasty》




The wise are free from perplexity, the virtuous from anxiety, and the brave from fear.



Hills amass to create a high mountain; streams converge to create a mighty river.



Dear children, I hope you can read more in the future, enjoy your lonely time, and meet life and the world with your best self.



📷 IG:SUNWORLD®|上海市松江区人民政府Shanghai Municipal Songjiang District People's Government




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#《Book of Documents• Book of Zhou Dynasty》#《尚书•周书》

#《Going up the Hill》#《山行》

#《励学篇》#《Encouraging Learning》

# 《The Book of Rites》#《礼记•大学》

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